This is a sound came to through the Morse code decoder decoding a text, no additional hardware, you only need a computer with a sound card and a receiver. 这是一个把通过声卡传来的摩尔斯式电码代码解码成文字的解码器,无需额外硬件,你只需要一台带声卡的计算机和一台接收机。
The encoded data is sent to the decoder card through PCI local bus. Card. 发送模块将硬盘中的编码数据通过PCI总线发送到解码卡,在解码卡上通过专用解码芯片实时解码并显示。
In the implementation of DVB-CI on DVB decoder, Finite State Machine theory is deployed to analyze the communication protocol. Then specific mechanisms such as task and message queue in real-time OS are utilized to realize communication between PCMCIA card and Host. 在数字电视解码器上实现DVB-CI接口的过程中,采用了有限状态机的思想对通信协议进行分析,并充分利用了嵌入式实时操作系统的任务、消息队列等机制。
Software design of MPEG-2 decoder card based on PCI bus 基于PCI总线的MPEG-2解码插卡软件接口设计
The system is mainly composed of ADPCM encoder/ decoder and embeded system card based on ARM7 processor. 该系统主要是由硬件ADPCM编/解码卡和嵌入式ARM7以太网传输卡构成。